Conditions and FAQ


  • No sharp objects in the bouncers
  • No food in the bouncers
  • There should always be adult supervision when there are kids playing in the bouncers
  • The maximum amount of children allowed in a bouncer at a time should always be adhered to
  • Pulling on the water hoses is not allowed

Frequently asked questions

  • What do I need to be able to rent a water bouncer?

To make use of our water bouncers two things have to be available, first is an outdoor faucet to connect our garden hose, and second is a wall plug for electricity (110v or 220v) to power the electrical blower needed to inflate the bouncer.

  • How many hours will I be able to use the bouncers for the prices indicated on this website?

Our prices are based on 4 hour events. We will be on location an hour before the event to set everything up, and will pick everything back up about half an hour after the event.

  • What will the electricity cost be for running the blowers the entire event?

On average the cost of electricity will be in between (ANG) 5,- and 25,- depending on which and how many bouncers are at the event.

  • Can I ask for help if I am not sure the bouncers will fit?

Yes, we can come by in a non-binding agreement to measure the space and advise on which bouncers can be used at your location.

  • What will the cost of the water be if I run it for an entire event?

The average faucet has a throughput of 15 liters of water per minute. This sums up to 15 x 60 = 900 liters of water per hour. At events of on average 4 hours this means 900 x 4 = 3600 liters of water. And with an average price of 12,50 per m3 (cub = 1000 liter) this would approximate to 3,6 x 12,50 = ANG 45,- for the water!

  • Is it possible to build my own package?

If the package of more than one bouncer is not listed, it is possible to request a package price for the selection of your own choice.

  • Is there a special floor needed to be able to use the bouncers?

We will bring our own tarp, artificial grass and soft puzzles to create a soft surface for the kids. Al that is needed is a level floor to be able to use the bouncers optimally.